Barga: Scottish Poets on Retreat


BARGA – “Barga: Scottish Poets on Retreat” racconta l’esperienza vissuta dagli scrittori scozzesi che sono venuti a Barga l’anno scorso per prendere parte al primo workshop di scrittura organizzato dalla Dott.ssa Linda Jackson.

Dopo poco tempo si sono innamorati di Barga grazie non solo alla sua bellezza, ma anche all’accoglienza che hanno avuto. Sono stati cinque giorni intensi di scrittura, arte, cultura, buon cibo e vino, con i workshop alla Sala Baraglia concessa dal Comune e tante visite organizzate come quella a Casa Pascoli e le mostre “La Nuova Barga” alla Fondazione Ricci, l’esposizione di Keane, quella della Galleria Comune e la Portrait Gallery di via di Borgo che sono poi state fonte di ispirazione per le scritture degli studenti.

La Dott.ssa Linda Jackson, ha deciso al termine di questo primo corso di pubblicare una raccolta dei loro pensieri e ricordi della cittadina intitolata “Barga: Scottish Poets on Retreat” che verrà presentata proprio a Barga, un anno dopo, con il patrocinio di Unitre Barga. L’evento si terrà nella suggestiva Loggia del Capretz giovedì 28 settembre alle ore 18, con la lettura sia in inglese che in italiano delle poesie dedicate a Barga.

La raccolta era stata invece presentata a Glasgow la scorsa primavera nel locale della famiglia Sarti con ottimo cibo, brani di lirica e letture delle poesie.

La dott.ssa Jackson coglie l’occasione per ringraziare Caterina Salvi,  Keane, André Romijn, Adele Pierotti e Sonia Ercolini per la preziosa collaborazione e tutti i barghigiani per l’affetto dimostrato; conferma inoltre la scelta del nostro borgo per i prossimi corsi.




Seahorse Writing Retreat with Linda Jackson in Barga.

The Memories and Poems



Well after five days of intensive workshops, Art spaces, Villa Ricci, visiting La Casa Pascoli (above) and savouring the marvellous food and wines of the town, the Glasgow writers returned to Scotland leaving their tutor, Dr Linda Jackson to edit and prepare a small pamphlet of their thoughts.

‘They absolutely loved Barga,’ says Linda, ‘people were welcoming, open and it took little time before they felt quite at home in Villa Gherardi, and indeed the town itself.’

It would appear the poets were quickly inspired to write.

I should like to rise and go

where the sweetest chestnuts grow

where poets and artists work as one

to build community        and the sun

shines on creative industry

and blesses all we see and know.


This poem by David Chinn, an artist and poet, was written after his walk through the narrow, cobbled streets to Piazza Salvo Salvi.

Sadly, David passed away earlier this summer. RIP.



The Writing

Following the visit to the Fondazione Ricci’s La Nuova Barga exhibition, the writers were asked to create his/herstories from the perspective of those who had left and returned to the town. Writer, Catherine Reid made that imaginative leap and wrote from the voice of Cesira Cabrelli who had returned to Barga after a life on the Orkney Islands of Scotland.

There were similar outcomes with the work arising from visits to Keane Gallery, The Portrait Gallery and the Avanzi Exhibition in Comunale Galleria.


Other Treats of the Town

Sonia Ercolini had secured a workshop space in the Comunale building on Via Roma and even here the work was done enjoying the sweet fruits from the local shop.

So, it was not all work but absorbing also those delights the town has to offer: La Capretz, La Pergola, Riccardo’s and L’Osteria were only a few of the eateries the writers savoured while Café Luchezzi and Bar Alpino were for more casual indulgences: ‘chocolates, pastries and ooo – perfect coffee.’


Overall, it appears that this visit was very enlightening.

This pamphlet, Barga: Scots Poets on Retreat was launched in Glasgow in Spring of this year in Sarti’s, Wellington Street in Glasgow in a perfect day of the best food, songs by an Italian tenor and readings from the book.

On September 28th, the Barga book co un po’d Italiano will be launched in La Capretz in Piazza Salvi, Barga.  Please join us at 7pm.

I am very excited about returning to your beautiful town.



On behalf of all the participants, Dr Linda Jackson would like to offer sincere thanks to Caterina Salvi, Keane, André Romijn for their warm and gifting talks when we were there in Barga. Thank you to Adele Pierotti for creating a ‘home from home’ at Villa Gherardi, Sonia Ercolini for her tireless support and all the people of BARGA for their hospitality.

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