Danny Bronzini Trio raises the roof at Barga Jazz Club


Friday night 25.03.16, saw three talented musicians, each very experienced in their own right, having a fantastic jam session.
The band’s music ranged from Soul, Rhythm and Blues to Funk.
Danny Bronzini from Pisa played lead guitar and sang a wide variety of numbers in English. His instrumental pieces were excellent proving that this young musician has a brilliant future ahead.
The two other musicians, both from Lucca, namely Filippo Guerrieri on the keyboard and Piero Perelli on drums, were also two accomplished musicians who gave solid backing to Bronzini.
The band’s music ranged from the 60s on and thus would attract a wide audience.
Halfway through the evening, the band introduced a female singer from Lucca, Elisa Ghilardi, who gave a polished performance.
The band had a great rapport with their audience all evening.
Barga’s Easter visitors present enjoyed an unforgettable night which they will remember as the highlight of their holiday.

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