Farmers’ Market opening soon in Fornaci


July is going to bring breath of fresh air to Fornaci. The works for the new market area, which will be located in the parking dedicated to general Dalla Chiesa, should in fact be finished between 15th and 25th July. The inauguration will therefore be held in the month of July and it will launch the project “Mercato Contadino” (farmers’ market), in which the communal administration has invested around 100 thousands euros. According to Giampiero Passini, who is responsible for public works and development in Fornaci, the new farmers’ market will support and improve the development in Fornaci and will be an opportunity for the people to get access to genuine and local farm products.
“The market will be launched in a particular hard moment of crisis for the local and national economy. The new market will have a suitable location, set within the natural shopping complex in Fornaci, and it will represent a concrete support and help for local trade” says Mr Passini.

The company Impresa Lorenzini from Barga is currently doing the construction works. Someone was worried about the number of available parking spaces, which could have been reduced by the new market but Mr Passini said: “it is true that we had to redesign the car park in order to create a space for the market, but the parking spaces which have been removed will be again realized in different parts of the same area. Actually, if anything, I believe there will be even more parking spaces.”
Original source text available here

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