Fornaci hard at work on Project 2.0, ready this summer 2016


The pipe dream of Fornace 2.0 seems destined to come true very soon, several initiatives have been used towards the social and cultural renewal of Fornace.

As you can see from their Facebook page, after a good lot of work, finally news has broken that soon the required rooms have been granted by the Burgh to form a town club.

The Council have found those rooms inside old Primary schools in Fornace in Piazza IV Novembre. the two rooms were initially used as dining halls and faced on to via Dante Alighieri and the adjacent garden.

“Finally this summer”, writes Fornace 2, “there will be a place where we can meet, have a game of cards, an exchange of points of view, play billiards, ping-pong, or whatever we want. The club will belong to us all, and we can decide what we want. We will all need to continue with this programme, to show that the club deserves these rooms. Let’s start by collecting some funds together by organising a ‘gastronomical gazebo’ on the first two festive days of May in Fornace for the 1st of May.”

The 1st May committee has already allotted a space to the club inside the festa area. New membership cards will be given out here too.

For more information on the Club 2.0 and on Fornace initiative 2.0 feel free to visit our Facebook page, write to,or telephone either Roberta on 3489376497 or Laura on 3476598028.

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