Inkeeping with the forty hours devotion in Barga, the old tradition of painting and rolling boiled eggs until they broke, took place beside the market on Sunday, 20th March. The initiative, based on the rediscovery and value of traditional games, was organised by the Burgh of Barga and the Pro Loco Association to celebrate Easter and the arrival of spring.
The most important appointment was in the afternoon, in the area of the new piazza Giovanni Pascoli, where the ‘old fashioned Easter games’ took place, Rolling the eggs, a sack race, and lots of other surprises.
All the games were for children up to 12 years of age. Enrolments opened at 2pm. Who wanted to take part in the Egg Rolling competition had to bring their painted boiled egg with them. During the afternoon a competition was held for the best painted and decorated eggs and prizes of chocolate Easter eggs were won. The child who rolled the egg the furthest won a chocolate egg too. Entrance to the games was free.
Surrounding the games, there was the market and the shops were open for the event. The shop windows were all decorated for Easter and the arrival of Spring.
Tag: quarantore, pasqua, rotolino
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