Bel Canto in Barga, a new international singing festival


Bel Canto in Barga is a new international singing festival which will make its debut on Thursday 4th of September. The festival is organised by the Soprano Sally Li who now lives in Barga and is the wife of the owner of L’Osteria (Piazza Angelio).
Sally had a dream and her great love for her new home-town and music gave her the right enthusiasm and spirit to create a festival of song to add to the many cultural events taking place here throughout the year. She has managed to make her dream come true with a team of wonderful professional singers and musicians combined with the evocative town settings that will stage the various perfomances and on Thurday 4th of September Sally will present the very first edition of the “Bel Canto in Barga Festival “.
The Festival runs until Saturday 13th September and during the festival week, the heart of Barga will be filled with beautiful music. Six different performances covering a variety of musical tastes will be staged in one of three breathtaking venues – the theatre with it’s magical ambience, the buzzing central square of Piazza Angelio and in the beautiful Romanesque Cathedral.
The festival is a great blend of Italian culture, traditional tranquil life style and entertainment. The young and talented singers come from all over the world – from Portugal, New Zealand, America, China and, of course, Italy, and they will sing from a wide repetoire which will include the Love story of La Bohème* by Giacomo Puccini, our famous Lucca- born composer.

Thursday 04.09
Concert – Women of the operas
Piazza Angelio 20.30

Saturday 06.09
La Bohème – Puccini
Teatro dei Differenti 21.30

Monday 08.09
Sacred Songs Concert
Il Duomo 21.00

Wednesday 10.09
Musical & Folk Songs
Piazza Angelio 20.30

Friday 12.09
La Bohème – Puccini *
Teatro dei Differenti 21.30

Saturday 13.09
Opera Gala
Teatro dei Differenti 21.30

For information and reservations: 3405831419
Sonia Ercolini

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